Accepted LFS to LVS


New member
Jan 27, 2023
Suggestion: LFS to LVS

A new and improved flight system has been developed and a recent addition to addons are imperial ships for said flight system.
SFC, IK, ISF and other individuals that can fly can have their starfighters replaced with improved versions of those ties without much change as the only ship not present within the pack is the Lambda (Which is rarely used)

How will this affect the server?: With a new flight system comes some new controls however these controls can be recalibrated to fit the controls of lfs.
With a new and improved ties, subdivisions in SFC get improved such as Blade with the tie experimental/striker. In lfs the striker has horrible accuracy in both the pilot seat and gunner seat. In LVS the tie striker has improved accuracy but the gunner has been replaced with a bombardier which is lore accurate to what it can do.

Only problem so far is that while it is compatible with lfs fighters still dogfighting, lvs fighter guns go straight through lfs shields and do damage to the hull. However due lvs being improved version of lfs the X-wing and Y-wings can be upgraded to lvs in time

Additional Notes/Relevant Links: While the addons require the lfs versions not all the addons need to added to work such as the "tie experimental" which only needs one other addon (apart for the lvs framework) which is for the tie experimental.

There are other addons such as this cruiser vehicle while this addon is not really need it can be used for better roleplay when deploying ties or extracting them with a imperial Gozanti-class cruiser that can pickup and deploy 4 ties (you can also fully fly it).

Extra note: LVS ground vehicles can be turned into ai and move about and shoot
Rebel ships just got added
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Reactions: chaos


Sep 3, 2022
+1 it would give SFC so much more to do and would add some variation to it as well


New member
Jan 31, 2023
+1 Would allow SFC far more in terms of versatility within the regiment for subdivisions. As mentioned, Blade get an upgrade however even Saber and Dagger are upgraded as well, with both receiving upgrades to armaments (Dagger receiving the ability to fire out-the-front lock-on torpedos, as well as the current downwards proton bombs), and saber receiving a speed booster to their interceptor, and the ability to swap between the guns firing all at once, or in sequence.
It would allow for more varieties of starfighter to be used, and overall fly better than LFS, with not having to tap shift when nearly stationary to stop the vehicle from dropping down.
Edit- and as i forgot to mention, the LVS AI also use every armament at their disposal, which would mean SFC would have to keep on their toes far more when tailing ships such as the ARC-170, as the tail gunner will fire back now.