Denied Raven Company HP Buff


Jan 3, 2023
Massachusetts, United States.
Suggestion: Raven Company HP Buff

Currently the default raven hp is between 225 to 275 depending on specs. It has come to my realization that these hp values are fairly low for beskar armored Mandalorian warriors, the standard raven trooper being as squishy as a combat engineer. Raven at the moment shares about the same HP scaling as the 501st which is a bit silly since it's an donor regiment. I'd like to suggest that the HP be changed to the following. These suggestions are simply my takes (which I see as very fair) and can be adjusted as seen fit.
Raven Company: 300
Raven Recon: 325
Raven Heavy: 350
Raven NCO: 325
Raven Officer: 350
Raven Commander: 400

These changes can be seen as pretty big but if you look at IC this is around the same HP scaling as them. I understand IC armor is much different but I believe this is still fair and balanced towards Raven.

How will this affect the server?: These changes would make raven much tankier and would make much more sense lore-wise. I do understand that raven does need to be balanced due to their high mobility, and that they are very good against player to player combat. However AI have perfect accuracy and are much more common enemies to face so having that extra health will be easier for raven to fly through a combat zone and not be shot down in seconds.

Additional Notes/Relevant Links:


Management Team
Jun 7, 2019
I sort of want to do this but the problem is you guys have jetpacks. So it really makes it difficult to do any damage to a skilled Raven company member, and when your regiment grows and starts having medics then it’s just going to be impossible to fight against raven. IC more have their health because of how stationary they are.

I think your health is fine. Just get good!