Server Feedback/suggestions


Oct 16, 2021
Make the server more lore, spread the authority amongst the ship as there are like three people that have absolute authority and very few have some what authority.
Upgrade server host, I understand that profit is key but the server is becoming borderline unplayable the moment props/entities/npcs are spawned. Just like how some DarkRP servers have more players/props/entities at a given point and are a lot more playable/optimised in comparison to us.
The prices of donations for roles was up'd in order to generate more funds for a new custom map which has been on hold, leading some people to question where money is going because the amount of money being donated is not correlating to what the server is getting. In other words, there is definitely enough money input to obtain a new custom map.


Management Team
Jun 7, 2019
Hey Quackie,

So, I'll start with your first point, in terms of authority I'm not sure what exactly you feel is lacking, the Imperial Navy has authority on-ship (your navy commanding officers determine which ranks are given what level of jurisdiction) and on ground deployments this power is delegated to Imperial High Command who assign power to mission command. The only exception to this is ISB who are granted overriding authority during an investigation or operation, but outside of those two scenarios the initial authority stands.

Next, I'll go through a few of your points as most of it seems to be a lack of information; with your first point on the server provider, we run on a private dedicated server with industry-leading specifications, I can assure you that hosting is not the issue. I could go on a huge discussion about how poorly Garry's Mod was programmed, only supporting single-thread usage, which is the main reason in my opinion behind poor performance in this game.

Of course, if you have any suggestions for better hosting solutions do let me know, however, I would be very surprised if you could as I've spent a lot of time and money experimenting with various other types of server infrastructure.

But there's also the fact that we offer a lot of content on this server that we would have to remove to improve performance, which I really do not feel should be compromised needlessly, instead we're constantly looking to promote good event planning practices. Another performance issue could be the fact we run a DarkRP-based gamemode, but the amount of support and flexibility it provides for players makes this again, something I don't want to compromise on as it would make the user-experience worse.

Thank you, looking forward to hearing back from you!