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  1. coxy.

    Hello it's me, Coxy!

    Hello Slightly late (362 days!) but this is my introduction ! I can't wait to manage staff and be an impeccable member of Army High Command ! HMU on discord - coxy#9691
  2. coxy.

    Narka's Warcrimes (A Timeline.)

    Severely lacking please improve.
  3. coxy.


    Hello cosmicspacedog!
  4. coxy.


  5. coxy.


  6. coxy.

    Ayo boys!

  7. coxy.

    Denied Ik speed boost

    They always used to have a speed boost, and it would make sense in lore since their is Force Speed/Dash
  8. coxy.

    hi its me, yamato

  9. coxy.


  10. coxy.


  11. coxy.
