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  1. DJ Gaming

    Well I am feeling happy since I now have got my signitures updated for the first time in forever...

    Well I am feeling happy since I now have got my signitures updated for the first time in forever here on the forums
  2. DJ Gaming

    Denied The DC-17m (launcher) Needs a DMG buff for the Imperial Commando's

    During the Events I noticed that the grenade launcher seemingly is under powered as when I fire shots into a crowd of enemy's it does very little DMG to them, I feel the blast Radius is pretty much on point and I feel the just the DMG should be looked at in terms of balancing to be made more...
  3. DJ Gaming

    Denied Economical system and tax system and the adding of government in a limited role

    Now this is an idea I could support and get behind as this would create more of a passive roleplay opportunity between events.
  4. DJ Gaming

    Denied Engineer Fortification/Building Datapad Additions

    +1 I like the sound of theese ideas for engineers
  5. DJ Gaming

    I am Tremic.

    Hello Tremic Welcome to the Forums
  6. DJ Gaming

    Well I am feeling happy after a good few events on the astolfo server and I have to say a huge...

    Well I am feeling happy after a good few events on the astolfo server and I have to say a huge well done to all of the event team and the staff team today for making sure everything was running as smoothly as possible.
  7. DJ Gaming

    Hello everyone I hope all are well

    I am pleased to be back on the Astolfo Forums.
  8. DJ Gaming

    Well I am feeling really happy at the moment and I am proud to have reached officer cadet in the...

    Well I am feeling really happy at the moment and I am proud to have reached officer cadet in the server and I am really enjoying my time here in the Astolfo Star Wars Imperial Roleplay Server.
  9. DJ Gaming

    Hello Everyone I am DJ Gaming

  10. DJ Gaming

    Hello Everyone I am DJ Gaming

    A nice warm Hello to all who visit
  11. DJ Gaming

    My discord is DJ Gaming 6164

    My discord is DJ Gaming 6164
  12. DJ Gaming

    Of course

    Of course
  13. DJ Gaming

    Hello Everyone I am DJ Gaming

    Hello everyone I am DJ Gaming I am a Small Streamer and content creator on YouTube and Twitch and I love to raise funds for charity too as I livestream so please come and join the fun. I am on discord too DJ Gaming#6164 I am a really nice and warm person to get along with so please feel free...
  14. DJ Gaming

    Feeling happy today and if anyone needs me feel free to reach out to me on Discord

    Feeling happy today and if anyone needs me feel free to reach out to me on Discord
  15. DJ Gaming

    Hi all how is everyone Doing

    Hope all are well sending my best to all