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  1. Bellerophon


  2. Bellerophon

    Glory to the SHOCK

    i know of a certain state which praised their police force >.>
  3. Bellerophon

    Denied Group chats

    tbf having actual group chats would be useful. stops people spamming common messages in comms (which is already blended in with OOC) and not leaving 100 messages in discord tabbing in and out constantly. and /y across 2 decks isnt great either :( ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  4. Bellerophon

    Denied Medical Beds that are able to follow people around

    can go though walls and kill someone by going though them, will be aids
  5. Bellerophon

    just realized i havent introduced myself

    thank you! Welcome to the community, nice to finally get to know you
  6. Bellerophon

    Denied Ik speed boost

    you are able to edit your other posts >.>
  7. Bellerophon

    what brain?

    what brain?
  8. Bellerophon

    bad at life

    bad at life
  9. Bellerophon

    Still on the 7 month journey to find the clit. (2 members have fallen)

    Still on the 7 month journey to find the clit. (2 members have fallen)