Advanced starfighters


New member
Jan 27, 2023
Suggestion: Advanced starfighters

Add 3 new starfighters to SFC to each respective detachment

How will this affect the server?: Each new starfighter will add an advancement to each detachment as well as a specific role to each fighter such as the Xg-1 star wing's main role would be absolute protection of bombers, able to keep them defended better by being a missile boat it exceeds in damage output but has the same manoeuvrability as the tie bomber (Note for Xg-1, may need to be edited to manoeuvre a bit slower)

Blade's accesses ability to it's fighter during planetary' s can be frustrating when hostile fighters easily take out a normal tie's engine, with advanced training they can pilot the tie phantom in space, with this addition trained blade personal will fly a tie cable of cloaking, during cloak the phantom can not shoot and has reduced speed, during cloaking hostile fighters will continue to shoot the phantom until fully cloaked

Saber is designed to be the best of the best so with the addition of the this new tie, the tie advanced v1 meant for high ranking and advanced trained pilots would beifnifit saber as at will attract

Additional Notes/Relevant Links: These new fighters will be ranked locked and will require intense training and a difficult tryout to use in which I will personally make, each having different difficulty's, from Dagger being vigorous missile aiming and bomber training, Blade requiring survivability and outmanoeuvring and destroying multiple ai and player fighters and Saber being the most difficulty mixing Dagger and Blade tryouts to also requiring ace I to use (Tryouts can tweaked for increased or decreased difficulty)

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New member
Jan 29, 2023
Great Idea It would help all detachment and it would allowe to go futher! manily Blade which after a difficult and Hard traning could fly something else as a Fighter


New member
Mar 18, 2023
The Void
+1 Would be great as it allows the attachments to have a functional use per event and would also prevent them from being locked out of participating within events because rules prevent ships from being flown in certain condition.