Accepted 〤 Evo Staff Application


Deleted member 195

User name: 〤 Evo

What is your in-game name?: Crewman Evo

What country and time zone are you from?: United Kingdom, BST

What is the link to your Steam profile?:

What is your Discord? 〤 Evo#2307

How long have you played on our server for?:: 13+ Hours

What is your in game rank and regiment?: Navy Crewman

Availability on days of the week and hours per day?: 4+ hours everyday

Previous experience as staff: I have a very large experience in staffing, especially in big communities, I have not only been staff I have also managed my own team as a Head Gamemaster [Head EP].

I spent a lot of my time at this community helping out as much as possible with suggestions, general tasks and helping create the discord, I learnt so much from these members including the Owner but all good things come to an end.

All of my experience comes from the community know as GamingLight:
-Clone Wars Life RP- I was a Junior Management Team Member [Super Admin] and The Head Gamemaster in which I lead the team and handled all applications, training, story line events, etc. This was when I went under the name of "Totalban" and "RJ" - []

-Imperial RP- I had been staff 3 different times on their Imperial server which would average max players everyday, the highest Staff Rank I had achieved was Senior Admin, it was very competitive when climbing staff ranks on their and so I resigned to focus on RP to become the Grand General. []

-Military RP- I had only gotten upto Moderator on their Military RP before resigning, at the time we were hitting around 50 players but that died down aswell as the server as a whole.

Why do you want to join our staff team?: I would like to join Astolfo RP's staff team as from my experience on the server so far this seems like a very promising community, I believe that with my knowledge and experience I will be able to help this community greatly and work to make it enjoyable, exciting and professional for the community as a whole. Being staff will also allow me to assist more when there is a smaller amount of staff on, I can sometimes be on extremely late when our other staff may get off, I will be able to watch over the server and its players at all times making sure that people are following the rules set aswell as having fun. As a whole staffing is one of my favorite things to do when playing on a GMod community and I am confident that if I get the position I will be able to help out greatly.

Why should we accept you on our staff team?: I should be accepted into the staff team for various reasons such as, I am an active member of the community, I am respectful and serious when playing, I understand the server rules very well, I am no stranger to staffing I have a great amount of experience in it as a whole, I am confident in my abilities to help the server, I will not let anyone down if I am able to get the position. I am able to be calm and collective upon handling all situations that a staff is required to be involved with. With this rank I believe I could combat people that aren't there to be a member of the community and be able to help out other members of the staff team. Being a staff member isn't only to stop rule breakers it is also to give the community a positive impact to new players, whether this is showing a new player around and introducing them to other players it is also to answer their questions, some people that join are completely new to the game and may need help when coming into the server, with the rank it would mean that the new player would know the staff member and already know a name that can help them whenever and make them want to play and be active, it would make the player think already that the staff team on this server are kind and know what they are doing. I am unbiased when it comes to any situation and can be trusted with the responsibilities I will be given.

Do you understand that you have to help everyone no matter who they are?: Yes

Do you understand that abusing your powers will result in demotion or being kicked out of the staff team?: Yes

Is there anything you would like to add?: Thank you for reading through my application! If you have any inquiries about it feel free to message me either on here or on discord!


Jun 13, 2021
+1 I’ve seen you on the server now and then, you aren’t too bad. However i will be monitoring you from time to time. I’ve seen a few of your gameplay and I see nothing wrong with it and it’s what the staff team needs, New recruits that don’t make too many mistakes. So I’d be happy to have you on the team. My decision might change however so don’t get your hopes up.


Well-known member
May 12, 2021
Hello Evo,
I am happy to announce that you are a new member of the Staff team I have seen you active on the server a-lot you have been a active member to the community, no one seems to dislike you in anyway, I feel like you will be a good fit for the staff team! I'm looking forward to working with you. :)

- Staff Manger Lunar