Jun 5, 2021


The Beginning:
When I joined the server I fell in love with ST's I tried joining another regiment (Navy) but that did not go well so moved my second life over to ST again just as my first, I went to some tryouts and know I am sort of Black Listed from 224th and SHK cause they do not trust me and pilots hate me... Which meant that I needed to find my own thing so I ranked up in ST until I became a 2th rank medic, then I was promoted to CPL so I joined the Grenadiers, during my first event I was told not to use explosives as was everyone else, then during my second event as a Grenadier I was on the ship and happen to kill of everyone in reactor room... After that I said sorry to EVERYONE.

The End:
I was demoted out of Grenadier for killing everyone so I walked around just being an ST on my second life, UNTIL I was promoted to PFC and I Zino/Sword and Commander A-D to train me for Scout trooper, they told me I was not allowed to have more than one life in the same REGIMENT. SHAMEFULL.

Reason for this Forum page:
I would like to be able to join Scout Troopers on my one life and Grenadier on my other life... I want this cause I would then be able to join events as either a sneaky person which some events are forced to be or during events were we storm city's and burn villagers I could be a Grenadier that can make a big boom everywhere.

The Facts:
Me being a ST on both life's wont destroy more regiments and I would be able to play and adapt to multiple events and not just feel bored cause I am a high rank ST that needs to play as a normal cause his job does not fit the event, I would just use both my life's in the same regiment, nothing more or less.

I am making this petition so that I am allowed to have ST as both my life's so that I can be a Grenadier and a Scout at the same time because some missions don't need Grenadiers at all like the one we had were we needed to sneakily search for hostages, which was ruined by DT using explosives, and some missions like if we do a full frontal bombardment on a enemy stronghold then scouts are not needed but big booms are needed.

Please +1 on my petition for me to be a 2 life ST
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Jan 20, 2022
Le Francai
With a Sincere answer it could be a possibility seeing as your willing to use both lives to be both subregiments although not a common one most likely that would be if AHC find it logical