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  1. cosmicspacedog

    Narka's Warcrimes (A Timeline.)

    1 ABY Drop kicked a baby in a hospital. Bombed numerous schools for the poor. Made out with a Rebel Commander in a maid outfit. Upon Appointment to AHC, Meowed the Imperial Anthem
  2. cosmicspacedog


  3. cosmicspacedog

    Feel like shit, just want narka as head EP back

    Feel like shit, just want narka as head EP back
  4. cosmicspacedog

    Denied Commander and 2 IC Jobs for 224th

    Correct me if im wrong, isnt this already in the content pack?
  5. cosmicspacedog

    Denied Better main weapon for Grenadier

    Didnt know that! Thank you for expanding my knowledge.
  6. cosmicspacedog

    Denied Better main weapon for Grenadier

    The 501st weapon is the t-21. To the best of my knowledge im sure the DLT-19s isnt 501st exclusive.
  7. cosmicspacedog

    Denied Spec Ops Door

    Suggestion: Provide a temporary fix to the Spec Ops Door. Perma prop the spec ops doors in a fixed state or remove it entirely. How will this affect the server?: It will mean spec ops are no longer trapped in their bunk after every map reload and actually fixes access for them instead of...
  8. cosmicspacedog

    Denied Better main weapon for Grenadier

    DLT-19 is shocks so im not sure that would be allowed, however there is the SMG varient (DLT-19s)
  9. cosmicspacedog

    R2-P4 or R3-P4

    i believe in R2 supremacy
  10. cosmicspacedog


    Please, do not disrespect Nigel like this.
  11. cosmicspacedog


    Astolfo > Women
  12. cosmicspacedog

    Feeling Really Goofy.

    Feeling Really Goofy.
  13. cosmicspacedog

    Narka's Warcrimes (A Timeline.)

    APOLOGIES! The issue has been recitified.
  14. cosmicspacedog

    Narka's Warcrimes (A Timeline.)

    Now now wallace. These are the only DOCUMENTED cases. I'm sure members of the community will come out with their experiences!
  15. cosmicspacedog

    hi its me, yamato

    Please be kind to me, i have schizophrenia.
  16. cosmicspacedog

    Narka's Warcrimes (A Timeline.)

    0 BBY: Ordering the deaths of imperial civilians. Beating surrendered prisoner The extermination of a town on coruscant. Planting evidence of cocaine in the 501st Bunks, trying to infer they have a drug problem Caught beating up a member of shock who insulted the activity of "watching BCP"...
  17. cosmicspacedog


    Hello Everybody! I am incredibly late (9 months) but hello I am Cosmic! - Cosmic.
  18. cosmicspacedog

    hi its me, yamato

    Hello Yamato, I am Cosmic.
  19. cosmicspacedog

    Denied Healing gun for the medic's

    Could be quite an interesting concept. +1 but im not sure if this would fit into the lore